We often think interacting with others is easy, but we forget that the person we’re engaging with brings their own perspectives, habits, and ways of expressing themselves. This can lead to misunderstandings — some minor, but others acting like leeches that slowly drain productivity and innovation from the interaction. Over time, these misunderstandings can lead to a habit of avoiding collaboration, preferring to work alone. As a result, the outcomes of our efforts suffer, since diversity and collaboration are essential for successful impact.
This Boost will help you develop and practice habits for more skilful and effective interactions.
What you will gain
- A handful of new interaction habits that create higher self-awareness, better connections and focus on the result
- A calmer feeling in your interactions, knowing that there won’t be any misunderstandings
This workshop is part of a broader series, called Boost, aimed at helping you tackle real-world challenges with practical, results-driven approaches. Each session builds on years of experience offering tools and insights to drive sustainable success in areas like leadership, project management, product development, team performance, and organisational change.
If you like, as payment for this event, you donate a sum of your choosing to a charity that you like. We recommend UNICEF’s school/student support gifts, so that more people may go to school and develop the necessary mindset for the future. – Swedish version; US version
This is a remote session over European lunch time, so bring your own lunch and join in. There will be situations where active participation is required, but there will be lots of time to eat and listen as well.